TEKST : Dirk Hilbers (E)
ONTWERP : Oscar Lourens
FORMAAT : 25 x 20 cm / 160 pagina’s / softcover
OPLAGE : oneindig
ISBN : 978-90-814015-2-4
PUBLICATIE DATUM : januari 2010
PRIJS : 55,70 euro
Who would have guessed that the contemporary buildings of Greece’s expanding provincial towns would provide study material for architectonic explorations? Yet it was here that, in the concrete frames of houses-under-construction, an architectural exploration began into the foundations of structure. Before they are plastered in white and pink and hung with all sorts of tasteless ornaments, the Greek concrete skeletons are like modernist buildings, not unlike those of Mies van der Rohe. For the artist Oscar Lourens, they form a perfect study into the essentials of the use and the dimensions of space. The PROBE exhibition is an exploration of dimensions, in which everything – the exhibition room, its doors and all the works of art – is made on a 1:4 scale. Oscar Lourens exhibits the Glikoneri models in the PROBE exhibition room.
Fragment uit de tekst Glikoneri, three concrete dimensions, Dirk Hilbers, 2010